If you’ve listened to more than one or two episodes of this podcast, then you’ll know we often cover the importance of developing trust, need, and desire in the sales process. In this episode, we discuss one of the biggest reasons agents struggle in this area: the ability to have tough, authentic conversations with clients. Listen to learn why you need to have these discussions, mistakes agents make, and best practices to have these tough conversations.

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Addressing Affordability and Other Money Related Objections - Learn how to handle client objections like "We can't afford it" & "We thought this was free."

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Learn how to combat objections like "We like to sleep on things before we make a decision." or "I need to talk to my daughter/son about this before I move forward." in this weeks episode where we discuss how to establish urgency in your sits. Here's the secret - it's rarely ever about time and urgency.

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Do people buy what they need or do people buy what they want? Today we discuss client need & the fine art of assisting the client to verbalize those things. “A need once verbalized (by the client) becomes a want!" Join us in this second installment of our deep dive series on the 5 Real Reasons Why People Don't Buy.

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This episode kicks off a series where we deep dive into each of the 5 Real Reasons Why People Don't Buy that we discussed in Episode 03 and 04. Join Chris, Roger and Austin as we take a further look at tactical ways to build trust from the time you get ready until you get back in the car after a successful sit.

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