This week we wrap up our three part series on closing with a discussion on how to present your prices and assume the sale! Learn exactly how to present your pricing options to your clients and get an app with almost every sit. This episode is packed with pro tips so you may want to listen a few times! Let us know what you think and how this closing process is working for you in the comments on the show notes page:

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This week we continue in part 2 of our 3 episode series on closing as we discuss addressing affordability, the different pricing strategies, and how to determine the best one to use.

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Addressing Affordability and Other Money Related Objections - Learn how to handle client objections like "We can't afford it" & "We thought this was free."

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Learn how to combat objections like "We like to sleep on things before we make a decision." or "I need to talk to my daughter/son about this before I move forward." in this weeks episode where we discuss how to establish urgency in your sits. Here's the secret - it's rarely ever about time and urgency.

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Now that you've established trust with your client and determined the need, learn the remaining 3 reasons why clients don't buy and how to address them as we finish up in part 2 of the 5 Real Reasons Why People Don't Buy.

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