Join us for an engaging episode featuring Roger Short alongside Zach McElwain, we tackle a topic close to our hearts – the nuanced world of life insurance sales. This isn’t just about making sales; it’s about understanding the deeper aspects of being a successful life insurance agent.

In this industry, facing days without sales is a common challenge. We delve into how it’s easy to feel upbeat following a successful sale, but the real test comes on the quieter days. Our discussion revolves around maintaining a positive mindset and the crucial role of never giving up.

Key Highlights of the Episode:

  • The “Five Rules to Winning the Day” in life insurance sales, each illustrated with real-life scenarios and practical advice.
  • Insights on how confidence, positivity, focusing on strengths, valuing legacy over currency, and relentless hustle can shape your career.
  • Special discussions including perspectives from Gary Vaynerchuk and the importance of attitude and consistency in achieving success.
  • This episode is a must-listen for everyone in the life insurance field, from full-time agents to part-timers or those just exploring the industry. It’s filled with valuable insights and actionable tips for daily professional life.

We also welcome you to be part of our community through our comprehensive courses and coaching programs, designed to offer deeper insights and personalized guidance in your life insurance journey.

Tune in now to this enlightening episode and discover how to transform your approach to life insurance sales for long-term success!

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As we mentioned in this episode, there are several ways to now engage with our team including our Sales and Business Accelerator with weekly coaching points, training videos, and monthly deep dives. We also have smaller commitment 4-week coaching programs that are focused on specific products, sales concepts, or business growth ideas.

Get Started in Insurance Sales Today

Through an exclusive partnership with Xcel Testing Solutions, Life Insurance Academy listeners and subscribers can now receive an amazing 50% discount from the regular pre-licensing course fee of $199 to only $99 by utilizing a special discount code of “LIA” That’s the 3 simple letters of L-I-A. This exclusive discount is available for the Life, Health, and Accident Courses or even a combination of these required courses. Just go to and enter promo code LIA at checkout.

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