Many life insurance agents feel apprehensive and uncomfortable when talking to clients about their finances and financial needs. They feel as if there is a veil between what they do as insurance agents and effectively...
Are you an agent who just started growing a team? Where do you stand with your team? What are you teaching them? John Maxwell says before you are a leader, success is all about growing...
We know a majority of our listeners are new to Life Insurance Sales. You found this great opportunity and took all the steps to get licensed, but now what? At this point you have more...
Have you ever gone through your presentation and told your client all the reasons why they should purchase a life insurance policy from you, and nothing comes of it? Sometimes we frame our conversations with...
Everyone knows that the markets are volatile right now. The price of everything from gas to groceries is on the rise. You might be wondering if your life insurance business is safe in these times,...
When you get into Life Insurance Sales, everyone has advice on what you should do next or what to add to your business. Adding best practices, tips, tricks, the secret sauce, whatever they call it...
Have you ever got into a situation during a sit where you had no idea how to continue? Or how to answer a question the prospect asked? Maybe afterward you reached out to your up-line...
If you are a new life insurance agent, can you start your business with only $100? We think you can. Now, there are a few things you need to have taken care of first like...
Are you an agent that doesn’t have a team, but are looking to grow your personal brand? Or maybe you have a team but feel their sales have plateaued. How do you stay focused and...
Value is arguably the most important aspect of any sale. Everyone wants to feel they have spent their hard-earned money on something worth having. However, many agents don’t focus on the value of their product...