Did you know that Life Insurance is not only for when you die? You may have heard about living benefits, something you can take advantage of while you are still alive. Living benefits can protect...
If we told you there was a job where you and a partner could make just shy of $900,000 in your first full year would you take the opportunity? Of course, you would! That’s exactly...
Do you find yourself struggling with closing your sales? You are not alone in that struggle my friend, many agents can get hung up right at the finish line and not close their sales. In...
Do you feel like other agents around you are closing sales left and right while you are struggling to close even a single sale? Well, fear not, because you are not alone in this. We...
We at the Life Insurance Academy love celebrating “firsts”. Your first appointment set, first door-knock, first submitted application, and first monster week. Now we would like to celebrate a first for us, the first podcast...
Have you ever been in a sales slump? Well guess what, all of us have. A slump can feel like the end of the world while you are in it, but it’s only a speed...
Starting your insurance career can feel as challenging as launching a rocket, or jumping into the cockpit and prepping for take off without any prior knowledge or experience. Agents may not be fighting gravity like...
How do you feel about your leadership skills? How well do you motivate your team and others around you? We have noticed quality leaders are few and far between in Life Insurance Sales. In this...
When Roger first met Chris, Chris – like many people – had no expectation of ever making six figures. What if we told you that you could – you just haven’t been taught how. In...
Fully committing to a job in Life Insurance Sales can be scary. We have been taught our entire lives to seek out employment with “benefits” to be considered successful. But is that really the case?...